Bridging the Gap
where everyone matters
This website is a snapshot of the organisation as it was at the time of its last annual report 2020-21. It is not the website for any other organisation but a tribute to the history of Bridging the Gap (Gorbals Ecumenical Project) in the Gorbals from its inception to 2020-21. The website is being retained and developed as a celebration of more than 2 decades worth of work delivered in the Gorbals and beyond by a dedicated team and a committed board, not to mention an active community of people in the Gorbals and beyond.
We hope that you find the information you require on this site. If not then please feel free to drop us a note.
This site does not purport to be anything other than a tribute to the great story of Bridging the Gap in the Gorbals. It is a celebration of that great work.
More about the story will be added.
In over 20 years Bridging the Gap (Gorbals Ecumenical Project) touched the lives of thousands of people across the local area and across the city. It was a pioneering organisation which had its service users at its heart.
If you are reading this its probably because Bridging the Gap (1998-2021) means something to you. If you are one of those people who played a part in its story then welcome.
To everyone who was involved until 2021, volunteers, staff, partners in other organisations, the local community in the Gorbals, the local churches and their parishioners, schools and teachers, board members, supporters, funders, service providers etc etc a great big thank you for contributing to the real story of Bridging the Gap. The spirit of so much of all that work, all that energy lives on in the lives of the vast number of people who helped create that great story. Glasgow was better with Bridging the Gap in full flow. Something important was lost when it ceased to serve as it had done. The question now is, is all that now lost....
A charity established in 1998 and based in the Gorbals, Glasgow working with young people, families and people from different backgrounds and cultures. Building relationships across diversity is at the core of all our work.
Bridging the Gap was recognised across Scotland for its innovative, exciting and challenging work in schools transition, tackling sectarianism and building community.
If you wish to contribute your story about your time with Bridging the Gap (Gorbals Ecumenical Project) then please feel free to drop us a note. Our intention is to celebrate the period between 1998 -2020. We are grateful for your inputs.
“I think it is great, BtG is excellent and I am more confident about secondary school now”
“People here don’t make divisions.
We are all parts of a mini world; big hearts in a mini world”