The Timeline
Bridging the Gap emerged as a consequence of discussions between two significant individuals in the local community, namely Rev. Ian Galloway of the Gorbals Parish Church of Scotland and Fr Brian McGrath of Blessed John Duns Scotus Catholic Church.
Few would have imagined that those conversations would lead to the creation of an organisation which would go on to affect so many peoples lives in such positive ways over the next two decades.
This is a timeline of some key moments in the 20 years of Bridging the Gap. There will be some missing from this for sure but if nothing else it helps illustrate the wide range of people and activities involved in the long and continuing success of the organisation. If there is anything missing then please feel free to drop us a note!
Those in bold are ongoing activities or people still employed.
This is a bit of a celebration of the last two decades of Bridging the Gap and every individual, possibly too many to mention, who have participated or engaged in any way with the organisation. Every one valued and cherished.
This timeline was originally put together as part of Bridging the Gap's 20th Anniversary celebrations in 2018. It is an attempt to encapsulate some of the two decades of activities and individuals which have been part of our story.
Conversations between Rev Ian Galloway and Fr Brian McGrath

Fr Brian McGrath & Rev Ian Galloway 1999
- Birth of BtG – staff Lynn Ma, Christine Carson employed
- Lynn Ma and Christine Carson do the first school work using drama and music

One of our first projects
Reach for the Stars production bridging gaps between young and older people in the community.

Early inter generational project
- Advocacy work started
- Sponsored bridge walk between young and older people
- English Classes – until 2008
- Thursday Drop-in started in response to Asylum Seekers being housed in the Gorbals

Sponsored bridge walk 2000
- Citizenship programme in schools
- Framework For Dialogue – became BIG Chat in 2015
- P6 trip to Iona
- Peer tutoring pilot – until 2003
- First trip to Corrymeela
- Moira Lyndsay employed – till 2003

Iona trip for Primary pupils
- Christmas parties
- Alice Duncan employed – until 2008

One of our community Christmas party's
- Br Joe O’Toole Acting Co-ordinator (volunteer) – until 2004
- Gorbals Fair participation started
- Roz Adams employed
- Marie McCormack started as volunteer
- Clemence Butoyi employed
- Moseka Mambi employed – until 2006

One Gorbals One Community Project
- Tricia McConalogue employed as first paid co-ordinator
- Peer tutoring full programme begins
- Show Racism the Red Card – until 2009
- Interfaith Week – some big events, some external, some in-house
- Terry Strain employed – until 2015

Inter faith event
- Giant’s Garden Project with schools and Citizens Theatre
- First Understanding Each Other project in schools each year
- 17th October UN day for Eradication of Poverty – ongoing
- Citizenship programme and young people met with First Minister, Jack McConnell.
- Young people visit Stormont in North Belfast
- Storytelling Weekend
- Anna Mathews employed – until 2006
- First Peer Tutoring Award Ceremony
- Drop-in opened up to everyone

Storytelling Weekend Wiston Lodge
- Destitution Cupboard – ongoing
- First ‘Aim High’ and health and wellbeing programmes in school with Glasgow Life
- Peer Tutoring Programme expanded due to the request by other primary schools.
- First Way Ahead group- Working with young people in the 2 secondary schools who were at risk of being, Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), and at risk of being socially excluded; a priority for the Scottish Government

A family Summer Sports Day
- Vision Statement created

A local excursion for Young People volunteers
- Collette Gallanagh employed
- Adult volunteers group is formed

An early Volunteers meeting
- BIG Messy Play started at Drop-in
- Paddy Barbour & Michael Wilson employed
- Catriona Milligan employed
- Baby & Toddler group started jointly with Gorbals Parish Church. Tuesdays and
- Fridays. Friday group – until 2019.

A Big Messy Play in action!
- Gorbals gathering – until 2013
- First Youth Work Games
- Different Paths Common Journeys started
- Men’s Group

Our Mens Group on an outing
- Ideas for Change – created the Gorbals Timetable
- First Best of You group
- Megan Thomson, Mikey Snee employed & Paddy Barbour re-employed
- Tackling sectarianism work supported by Scottish Government
- Schools work expands to take in 15 primary schools

Schools Transition work ongoing
- High Rise Bakers started
- Marie McCormack employed

Some of our High Rise Bakers!
- Come Dine With Us started
- Asset Based Community Development training workshops held
- 1 - 1 mentoring programme in Shawlands Academy started
- Bridging the Gap schools team included as part of timetable for first two weeks of S1 classes

One of the earliest 'Come Dine With Us' events
- Anti Sectarian programme extended to 4 other schools in Scotland at the request of the Scottish Government
- 20th Anniversary of Bridging the Gap Celebration event

20th Anniversary celebration events