Baby and Toddler Group
Our Baby and Toddler group was a fun and friendly place for children and their parents/carers from different backgrounds and cultures to meet and socialise. It combined arts and crafts with physical activities and singing. The group met on Tuesdays during the school term, 10am-12pm, at St Francis Parish Hall (Behind the St Francis Centre).
- Age appropriate toys & games
- Meet up opportunities for Parents & Children
- Snack provided for children
- Refreshment provided
- Support provided by volunteers

Regular fun activities
How this work evolved
Bridging the Gap first started running pre-school activities in 2010, when we were asked by parents who had previously attended the Parents And Their Children’s Hopes (PATCH) family group to set up a new baby and toddler group, as their group had closed down.
The success and variety of our various pre-school groups has been down to the parents and carers who come along to participate and share their ideas. They have all evolved due to the input and support of those who have shaped how the activities operate.