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Contacting this site is not a contact with Bridging the Gap Glasgow.
Below are just some of the staff who contributed so much to the organisation over many years. Their efforts often went over and beyond what they were required to such was their commitment to their work. We thank them all. The Gorbals community was enriched by your efforts.
We shall add further former staff members as time goes by. If you are missing and want added to the wall of fame then please drop us a note. If you wish to be removed from this tribute then please contact us also.
We just want to celebrate your work. Thats all!

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A Who's Who of Some Well Remembered Faces

Tricia McConalogue

Collette Daly

Clemence Butoyi

Mikey Snee

Megan Thomson

Claire Bonner

Marie McCormack

Elsie Mackie